etsy, thoughts Nico Killips etsy, thoughts Nico Killips

"Breadcrumbs" and the new Etsy Search Analytics Tool

Etsy recently released a new tool that displays data about where your traffic is coming from. Breadcrumbs is a tool that captures this data into a CSV file.

New Etsy Feature!

If you’re an Etsy seller, you may have seen this new search analytics tool when you’re logged in. This tool provides valuable information about how users found your Etsy page.

The only problem: there is a lot of data!. If you’re trying to capture this data, this is a copy/paste nightmare!

Look at the pagination!

You can see that there are several pages that are out of view. Since I want to see all this data at once and work with it outside of this page, I needed a way to grab all this data without doing copy/paste for hours. Enter: “Breadcrumbs!”

The Companion Tool: Breadcrumbs!

Breadcrumbs is a tool that interacts with the Etsy Search Analytics section of your Etsy backend to extract all the data into a single CSV file.

It is built in Applescript and Javascript and is run while your Etsy Search Analytics section is open in your Safari Browser. For more information and to give it a try, visit my GitHub project!

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