
Image Credit: Tyler Kamigaki

Vodori is a SAAS (software as a service) company in Chicago, IL that specializes in digital marketing, data/asset management, and asset workflow through their in-house flagship platform called Pepper.

I was fortunate to work for Vodori for nearly two years, where I served as a front-end developer and responsive design consultant.

During my first year at Vodori, they embarked on a redesign of their website. I was asked to aid with the responsive strategy and front-end development.


Image Credit: Tyler Kamigaki

I worked closely with the brilliant web designer, Tyler Kamigaki on implementing his design for the new vodori.com.

We worked together taking his static mockups into an interactive prototype by designing in the browser in Chrome Dev Tools, refining typography, layout, and content iteratively. All while creating design patterns and modularizing the code.


This site was implemented as a static site using PHP. We used LESS as the CSS preprocessor and Wordpress for the blog component.

We experimented with creating media query objects in LESS (a blog post I wrote while working at Vodori) so that we could apply them easily throughout the project.

NOTE: Vodori has redesigned their website to align with their new brand direction since the original authoring of this post (Oct 12, 2015). The images and descriptions of Vodori do not reflect their current brand.


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Tamarack Camps